
Apache Isis using Wicket Viewer 8

Hello Apache Isis users,

i prototyped a Apache Isis Webapp.

i would like to use the component Apache Wicket 8 instead of the default Wicket Viewer in Apache Isis Framework.

It is generally possible to exchange the Apache Wicket Viewer with Apache Wicket 8?

Best regards


  • Apache Isis provides a viewer based on Apache Wicket, i.e. Isis uses basic Wicket components to build more sophisticated ones for its needs.

    You can replace Isis' components (actually Wicket Panels and Pages) with custom ones if you need via its ComponentFactory.

    To upgrade Wicket to v.8 you can add wicket-core, wicket-extensions and wicket-auth-roles dependencies to your pom.xml (or build.gradle, ...), i.e. you can override the version used by Apache Isis. But I cannot guarantee that it will just work. It is an upgrade of a major dependency version so there might be some obstacles. You should consult with Wicket's migration guide if you face issues.

    AFAIK Isis v.2 (work in progress) is using Wicket 8.x, so you may use its milestone releases.