Let's say I have a class designed to be instantiated. I have several private "helper" methods inside the class that do not require access to any of the class members, and operate solely on their arguments, returning a result.
public class Example {
private Something member;
public double compute() {
double total = 0;
total += computeOne(member);
total += computeMore(member);
return total;
private double computeOne(Something arg) { ... }
private double computeMore(Something arg) {... }
Is there any particular reason to specify computeOne
and computeMore
as static methods - or any particular reason not to?
It is certainly easiest to leave them as non-static, even though they could certainly be static without causing any problems.
I prefer such helper methods to be private static
; which will make it clear to the reader that they will not modify the state of the object. My IDE will also show calls to static methods in italics, so I will know the method is static without looking at the signature.