I want to create a button that starts a looped function (lets say a ship that fires lasers continuously) with a tap, and then stops with another tap on the button. I'm fairly new to Lua so sorry if this is tribial or something.
I've tried everything, and I know I'm supposed to use touch for this kind of thing, but I just want it to turn the loop on and off. I've somewat achieved this with a code I found in here https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/2018-touch-tap-event-endless-loop-bug/ but the memory runs out because it keeps sending warnings every milisecond that the timer is already paused or resumed:
WARNING: timer.resume( timerId ) ignored because timerId was not paused
WARNING: timer.pause( timerId ) ignored because timerId is already paused.
local fire = display.newRect( 0, 0, display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight )
fire:setFillColor( 128, 64, 64 )
--state off
function stateoff()
timer.pause( timer1 )
fire:removeEventListener( "tap", stateoff )
fire:addEventListener( "tap", stateon )
return true
--state on
function stateon()
print("fire somthing")
timer.resume( timer1 )
fire:removeEventListener( "tap", stateon )
fire:addEventListener( "tap", stateoff )
timer1 = timer.performWithDelay(1000,stateon,0)
-- start
fire:addEventListener( "tap", stateon )
I just want an on/off button that calls a looped function, or a way to trash the messages,
I would do something more like:
local fireTimer = nil
local function fireLaser()
-- your code to create the laser beam and
-- set it in motion.
local function toggleLaserFire( event )
if fireTimer then
timer.cancel( fireTimer )
fireTimer = nil
fireTimer = timer.performWithDelay( 1000, fireLaser, 0 )
fireLaser() -- you probably don't want to wait a second before it fires
-- so go ahead and fire one off.
fire:addEventListener( "tap", toggleLaserFire )
I've not tried that code, so there might be typos.