
Google App is Published on Internal Test Track but Can't Be Found/Downloaded

I've successfully completed the publishing process for an APK to the Internal Test Track. But when I try to view the App for download on the Google Play Store using the "VIEW ON GOOGLE PLAY" link in the screenshot below...

enter image description here opens a new window with the following error: enter image description here

I've also tried using the testers link "download it on Google Play." below... enter image description here

...but it results in the same message stating the App can't be found.

This is the first time the App has been published and it's being done on the Internal Test Track. enter image description here

The automated testing picked up a few warning and minor issues but no errors: enter image description here

Has anyone experienced this issue before? I've contacted Google support for advice but I thought it would be worth trying here too and seeing if anyone had any suggestions on what to try next. Thanks.


  • If this is the first time your app is being published on a track, it will take a couple of hours to be processed. This is only a one-time thing though, for future updates, the availability will be immediate on the internal test track.

    Once the app is available, you'll also need to follow the opt-in link to be eligible for the download of the app.

    Opt-in link