I'm writing a Spark application in Scala using Spark Structured Streaming that receive some data formatted in JSON style from Kafka. This application could receive both a single or multiple JSON object formatted in this way:
I tried to define a StructType like:
var schema = StructType(
But it doesn't work. My actual code for parsing JSON:
var data = (this.stream).getStreamer().load() .selectExpr("CAST (value AS STRING) as json") .select(from_json($"json",schema=schema).as("data"))
I would like to get this JSON objects in a dataframe like
| key1| key2|
| value1| value2|
| value1| value2|
| value1| value2|
Anyone can help me please? Thank you!
As your incoming string is Array
, one way is to write a UDF
to parse the Array
, then explode the parsed Array
. Below is the complete code with each steps explained. I have written it for batch but same can be used for streaming with minimal changes.
object JsonParser{
//case class to parse the incoming JSON String
case class JSON(key1: String, key2: String)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession.
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
//sample JSON array String coming from kafka
val str = Seq("""[{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"},{"key1":"value3","key2":"value4"}]""")
//UDF to parse JSON array String
val jsonConverter = udf { jsonString: String =>
val mapper = new ObjectMapper()
mapper.readValue(jsonString, classOf[Array[JSON]])
val df = str.toDF("json") //json String column
.withColumn("array", jsonConverter($"json")) //parse the JSON Array
.withColumn("json", explode($"array")) //explode the Array
.drop("array") //drop unwanted columns
.select("json.*") //explode the JSON to separate columns
//display the DF
//| key1| key2|