
Is it possible to use TT2 with Cro?

I am thinking of using perl6 and Cro to build a website with text content. Is there any best practice / guidance on using Cro with a template toolkit such as TT2 and code examples for me to leverage?


  • Have you looked at Cro::WebApp?

    See https://github.com/jnthn/cro-webapp


    It is also possible to use "Template::Mojo".

    Here is a Cro server:

    use Cro::HTTP::Router;
    use Cro::HTTP::Server;
    use Template::Mojo;
    my $tmpl = slurp 'views/template.tt';
    my $t = Template::Mojo.new($tmpl);
    my $application = route
      get -> ''
         content 'text/html', $t.render({ title => "AAA",
                                          type => "aaa",
                                          mode => "AAAaaaAAA" });
    my Cro::Service $hello = Cro::HTTP::Server.new:
      :host<localhost>, :port<10000>, :$application;
    react whenever signal(SIGINT) { $hello.stop; exit; }

    The template file looks like this:

    % my %h = @_;
    % my $title = %h<title>;
    % my $type  = %h<type>;
    % my $mode  = %h<mode>;
        <title><%= $title %></title>
        <h1><%= $type %></h1>
        <p><%= $mode %></p>

    The server code could do with a little makeover (inspired by Bailador). Add this code:

    sub template ($template, %values)
      my $tmpl = slurp "views/$template";
      my $t = Template::Mojo.new($tmpl);
      return content 'text/html', $t.render(%values);

    And change the "get":

      get -> ''
        template 'template.tt',
          title => "AAA",
          type  => "aaa",
          mode  => "AAAaaaAAA"