
How to join a Kotlin SupervisorJob

I am trying to process a tree of data objects. Each tree leaf is supposed to be processed through a function using a coroutine. The whole process should be done using a fixed size threadpool.

So I came up with this:

val node = an instance of WorkspaceEntry (tree structure)
val localDispatcher = newFixedThreadPoolContext(16)

fun main() {
    val job = SupervisorJob()
    val scope = CoroutineScope(localDispatcher + job)
    handleEntry(node, scope)

    runBlocking {

The handleEntry method recursively launches a child job in the supervisor for each tree leaf.

The child jobs of the supervisor all complete successfully, but the join never returns. Am I understanding this wrong?

Edit: HandleEntry function

private fun handleEntry(workspaceEntry: WorkspaceEntry, scope: CoroutineScope) {
    if (workspaceEntry is FileEntry) {
        scope.launch {
    } else {
        workspaceEntry.children.forEach { child -> handleEntry(child, scope) }


  • It seems the Job that is used to create CoroutineContext (in your case SupervisorJob) is not intended for waiting child coroutines to finish, so you can't use job.join(). I guess the main intent of that Job is to cancel child coroutines. Changing runBlocking block to the following will work:

    runBlocking {
        job.children.forEach {