
Can i get the key of a style in code-behind? (WPF)

If I have the following code:

Style defaultStyle = (Style)FindResource("MyTestStyle");

Is there a way to get the name of the style (i.e. reverse-lookup)? Something like:

string name = defaultStyle.SomeMagicLookUpFunction()

Where name would evaluate to "MyTestStyle."

Is this possible?


  • I've created a small helper class with a single method to do the reverse lookup that you require.

    public static class ResourceHelper
        static public string FindNameFromResource(ResourceDictionary dictionary, object resourceItem)
            foreach (object key in dictionary.Keys)
                if (dictionary[key] == resourceItem)
                    return key.ToString();
            return null;

    you can call it using the following

    string name = ResourceHelper.FindNameFromResource(this.Resources, defaultStyle);

    Every FrameworkElement has it's own .Resources dictionary, using 'this' assumes you're in the right place for where MyTestStyle is defined. If needs be you could add more methods to the static class to recursively traverse all the dictionaries in a window (application ?)