
How to run a Python project using __pycache__ folder?

I want to run a Pythonic project using Python compilation (.pyc or __pycache__). In order to do that in Python2, I haven't any problem.

Here is a simplified example in a Python2 project:

Now I want to retry this behavior in a Python3 project.

Here is a simplified asyncio (available in Python3) project:


How can I run this project (above Python3 project) using __pycache__ folder?


How can I run a Python3 project with the relation between subfolders using python compilation?



  • You can enforce the same layout of pyc-files in the folders as in Python2 by using:

    python3 -m compileall -b test3

    The option -b triggers the output of pyc-files to their legacy-locations (i.e. the same as in Python2).

    After that you can once again use the compiled cache via:

    python3 main.pyc

    The way the loading of modules works since PEP-3147, it is impossible to use pyc-files from __pycache__ folder in the way you intend: If there is no *.py-file, the content of the __pycache__ is never looked-up. Here is the most important part of the workflow:

       import foo
         -- >  [ exists?]  --- NO ----> [foo.pyc exists?]  -- NO --> [ImportError] 
                |                                     |
                |                                    YES
               YES                                    |--> [load foo.pyc]
                |-> [look up in __pycache__]

    That means, files from __pycache__ are only looked up, when a corresponding *.py-file can be found.

    Obviously, building python scripts with a Python version 3.X in this way and trying to run the resulting pyc-files with another Python version 3.Y will not work: Different Python versions need different pyc-files, this is the whole point behind PEP-3147.