I have created a function that makes a HTTParty get request. It raises a custom error message that i need to test. I tried to stub the request using Webmock in the test but it is raising a <Net::OpenTimeout>
. How can i stub the get request if the url is dynamically constructed?
def function(a , b)
# some logic , dynamic url constructed
response = HTTParty.get(url, headers: {"Content-Type" =>
if response.code != 200
raise CustomError.new <<~EOF
Error while fetching job details.
Response code: #{response.code}
Response body: #{response.body}
for the test
def test_function
WebMock.stub_request(:get, url).with(:headers => {'Content-
Type'=>'application/json'}).to_return(:status => 500)
# HTTParty.stub(get: fake_response)
err = assert_raises CustumError do
c.function(a , b)
WebMock allows you to use "wildcard matching" so you can stub requests matching a regular expression:
WebMock.stub_request(:get, /example/).to_return(status: 500)