
Access the contents of packed resource dictionary in WPF

How can I access and view the contents of a resource from a third-party library in WPF?

<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/XXX;component/Styles/Components.xaml" />


  • XAML is compiled into BAML so if you have a compiled third-party assembly, you'll need a decompiler that can decompile BAML to XAML. An example of such a decompiler is dotPeek.

    If you download it (it's free of charge) and open the XXX assembly in it, you should be able to see the XAML markup of Styles/Components.xaml if you look for components.baml in the tree view in the assemmbly explorer.

    Please refer to JetBrain's web site for more information about how to use dotPeek: https://www.jetbrains.com/decompiler/features/