I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I've tried adding the prefix @@ in the macros as well declaring local @@label in the macros, it didn't work.
I've also checked this site link as well that was mentioned in the previous problems... It didn't work.
.model small
.stack 100h
writeString macro string, length, x, y, color
mov ah, 13h
mov al, 0
mov bh, 0
mov bl, color
lea bp, string
mov cx, length
mov dl, x
mov dh, y
int 10h
draw_box_outline macro x_fin,y_fin,x_ini,y_ini
local col_draw,row_draw,row_rev,col_rev
mov cx,x_ini
mov dx,y_ini
mov ah,0ch
mov al,1111b
int 10h
inc cx
int 10h
cmp cx,x_fin
jb col_draw
inc dx
int 10h
cmp dx,y_fin
jb row_draw
dec cx
int 10h
cmp cx,x_ini
ja row_rev
dec dx
int 10h
cmp dx,y_ini
ja col_rev
msg db "Select Number of Player/s$"
msg1 db "1$"
;box parameters
b1_col_ini equ 50
b1_row_ini equ 110
b1_col_fin equ 90
b1_row_fin equ 150
b2_col_ini equ 130
b2_row_ini equ 110
b2_col_fin equ 170
b2_row_fin equ 150
b3_col_ini equ 210
b3_row_ini equ 110
b3_col_fin equ 250
b3_row_fin equ 150
org 100h
main proc far
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ah,0h
mov al,13h
mov bh,0
int 10h
writeString msg,25,7,10,1111b
draw_box_outline b1_col_fin,b1_row_fin,b1_col_ini,b1_row_ini
draw_box_outline b2_col_fin,b2_row_fin,b2_col_ini,b2_row_ini
draw_box_outline b3_col_fin,b3_row_fin,b3_col_ini,b3_row_ini
writeString msg,25,7,10,1111b
;implement cursor press and detection
;implement cursor hide
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
main endp
end main
In DOSBox I keep getting the error "expected pointer type" and "symbol already of different kind" but in emu8086, there wasn't any problem.
directive must be at the very beginning of the macro. The blank line between the macro declaration and the LOCAL line is already too much. It should look like this:
draw_box_outline macro x_fin,y_fin,x_ini,y_ini
local col_draw,row_draw,row_rev,col_rev
Also, take a look here: TASM; LOCAL and LOCALS directives.