
Try to getdata from backendless using ViewModel but get IllegalArgumentException: Missing public, default no-argument constructor

I'm trying to get data from a Backendless, I am using kotlin and MVVM arch. I'm very new to both Kotlin and MVVM. These date would be displayed in a recyclerView in a fragment(which is in a tab). I get this error:

 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Missing public, default no-argument constructor
    at com.backendless.Persistence.of(


class BuyViewModel : ViewModel() {
// TODO: Implement the ViewModel
private lateinit var buys: MutableLiveData<List<Buy>>

fun getBuys(): LiveData<List<Buy>> {
    if(!::buys.isInitialized) {
        buys = MutableLiveData()
    return buys

private fun loadBuys(){
    lateinit var buy: List<Buy>
        .find(object : AsyncCallback<List<Buy>> {
            /*This will give the response from Backendless*/
            override fun handleResponse(response: List<Buy>) {
                for (i in response.indices) {
                    buy = listOf(response[i])
                buys.value = buy

            override fun handleFault(fault: BackendlessFault?) {
                TODO("not implemented")



This is the code of my BuyAdapter:

class BuyAdapter(internal var context: Context,
             internal var ressource: Int,
             internal var buyList: ArrayList<Buy>
) : RecyclerView.Adapter<BuyAdapter.ViewHolder>() {

override fun getItemCount(): Int {
    return buyList.size

override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
    val view = LayoutInflater.from(context)
        .inflate(ressource, parent, false)
    return ViewHolder(view)

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
    val buy: Buy = buyList[position]

    holder.price.text = buy.price.toString()

class ViewHolder(v: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(v){
    var price: TextView = v.tvPrice



  • The problem arises because there wasn't any no-argument constructor in the data class. So I changed this:

    data class Buy(val address: String,
               val price: Int,
               val propertyDesc: String,
               val numberOfRoom: Int,
               val numberOfBath: Int,
               val numberOfCar: Int,
               val propertyImage: String,
               val propertyLocation: String,
               val amenities: String)

    to that:

    data class Buy(var address: String = "",
               var price: Int = 0,
               var propertyDesc: String = "",
               var numberOfRoom: Int = 0,
               var numberOfBath: Int = 0,
               var numberOfCar: Int = 0,
               var propertyImage: String = "",
               var propertyLocation: String = "",
               var amenities: String = "")

    To have the compiler automatically generate a no-argument constructor, You have to assign a default value to each primary constructor parameter, and remember use var. Or You can declare a second constructor with no parameters.