
Using Leaf, the else condition isn't properly executed though the if one is

I have a simple Leaf template that I'd like to display Hello World in.

#if(false) {
<title> All hail Apodron.</title>
} #else {
<title> Hello World </title>

the page has no title and displays as:

#else {Helloward}

However, if I change this to:

#if(true) {
<title> All hail Apodron.</title>
} #else {
<title> Hello World </title>

then the title does display, but the page STILL shows up as:

#else {Helloward}

I also tried various syntaxes, such as:

##else { <title> Hello World </title> } and #else() { <title> Hello World </title> } or even ##else() { <title> Hello World </title> }

This seemed very basic, and I believe I followed the documentation.


  • It looks like your problem is Leaf is expecting else, but are using #else. So changing your template to this should fix it:

    #if(false) {
      <title> All hail Apodron.</title>
    } else {
      <title> Hello World </title>

    Here is the relevant documentation.