I have 2 csv files and have file1.column1, file1.column2, file2.column1, file2.column2. I would like to have out put like below
Column1, Column2
Column1, Column2
x, abc
y, def
z, ghi
Output I am expecting is: File3:
File1.column1, File2.column2
1, abc
2, def
3, ghi
@PetSerAl is correct, it appears that you want to merge these on the line number, i.e the index of each row. Here's a contrived example with custom objects, just replace $File1 and $File2 with the output from Import-Csv:
$File1 = @(
Column1 = 1
Column2 = "a"
Column1 = 2
Column2 = "b"
Column1 = 3
Column2 = "c"
$File2 = @(
Column1 = "x"
Column2 = "abc"
Column1 = "y"
Column2 = "def"
Column1 = "z"
Column2 = "ghi"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $File1.Count; $i++ )
"File1.Column1" = $File1[$i].Column1
"File2.Column2" = $File2[$i].Column2