I have a table with a column Shape
of geometry
This is the data in Shape
POLYGON ((565542.98375 2127263.4997410, 565538.48450 2127261.3187302, 565541.96658 2127254.1162, 565546.465835 2127256.297297, 565542.9837 2127263.49974102))
POLYGON ((565547.281621307 2127097.9410014, 565549.457915 2127093.43948425, 565553.577449391 2127084.9189882, 565568.882475 2127092.31709055, 565562.586805441 2127105.3404182, 565547.2816807 2127097.94105044))
and so on....
I need output as
ID | X | Y
1 | 565542.98375 | 2127263.4997410
1 | 565538.48450 | 2127261.3187302
1 | 565541.96658 | 2127254.1162
1 | 565546.465835 | 2127256.297297
1 | 565542.9837 | 2127263.49974102
2 | 565547.281627 | 2127097.9410014
2 | 565549.457915 | 2127093.43948425
2 | 565553.5774391 | 2127084.9189882
and so on in table format
Here is an option which will work with 2012. Note that we maintain the sequence (RetSeq
,X = left(C.RetVal,charindex(' ',C.RetVal)-1)
,Y = substring(C.RetVal,charindex(' ',C.RetVal)+1,50)
FROM YourTable A
Cross Apply (
Select RetSeq = row_number() over (Order By 1/0)
,RetVal = B2.i.value('(./text())[1]', 'varchar(100)')
From (Select x = Cast('<x>' + replace(A.Shape.STAsText(),',','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml)) as B1
Cross Apply x.nodes('x') AS B2(i)
) B
Cross Apply ( values (ltrim(rtrim(replace(replace(replace(B.RetVal,'POLYGON',''),'(',''),')','')))) ) C(RetVal)
ID RetSeq X Y
1 1 565542.98375 2127263.499741
1 2 565538.4845 2127261.3187302
1 3 565541.96658 2127254.1162
1 4 565546.465835 2127256.297297
1 5 565542.98375 2127263.499741
2 1 565547.281621307 2127097.9410014
2 2 565549.457915 2127093.43948425
2 3 565553.577449391 2127084.9189882
2 4 565568.882475 2127092.31709055
2 5 565562.586805441 2127105.3404182
2 6 565547.281621307 2127097.9410014
Martin Smith's solution should really be the ACCEPTED answer. If you can't create a numbers table, you can use an ad-hoc tally table.
Select A.ID
,Seq = B.N
,X = Shape.STPointN(N).STX
,Y = Shape.STPointN(N).STY
From YourTable A
Cross Apply (Select Top (Shape.STNumPoints()) N=Row_Number() Over (Order By 1/0) From master..spt_values n1, master..spt_values n2 ) B
Requested EDIT
;with cte as (
,X = left(C.RetVal,charindex(' ',C.RetVal)-1)
,Y = substring(C.RetVal,charindex(' ',C.RetVal)+1,50)
,Cnt = max(B.RetSeq) over (Partition by A.ID)
FROM YourTable A
Cross Apply (
Select RetSeq = row_number() over (Order By 1/0)
,RetVal = B2.i.value('(./text())[1]', 'varchar(100)')
From (Select x = Cast('<x>' + replace(A.Shape.STAsText(),',','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml)) as B1
Cross Apply x.nodes('x') AS B2(i)
) B
Cross Apply ( values (ltrim(rtrim(replace(replace(replace(B.RetVal,'POLYGON',''),'(',''),')','')))) ) C(RetVal)
Select *
From cte
Where RetSeq<Cnt
Order By ID,RetSeq
OR ... Notice the minus 1 in the TOP
Select A.ID
,Seq = B.N
,X = Shape.STPointN(N).STX
,Y = Shape.STPointN(N).STY
From YourTable A
Cross Apply (Select Top (Shape.STNumPoints() - 1) N=Row_Number() Over (Order By 1/0) From master..spt_values n1, master..spt_values n2 ) B