How to call the original NSError
init method when swizzling?
My current implementation
extension NSError {
@objc class func errorSwizzle() {
guard let instance = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(NSError.init(domain:code:userInfo:))),
let swizzleInstance = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(NSError.init(swizzleDomain:code:info:))) else { return }
method_exchangeImplementations(instance, swizzleInstance)
@objc class func errorUnSwizzle() {
guard let instance = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(NSError.init(domain:code:userInfo:))),
let swizzleInstance = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(NSError.init(swizzleDomain:code:info:))) else { return }
method_exchangeImplementations(swizzleInstance, instance)
@objc convenience init(swizzleDomain: String, code: Int, info: [String : Any]?) {
/// infinite loop as it calls the swizzled init again.
self.init(domain: swizzleDomain, code: code, userInfo: info)
/// Do something..
You have exchanged the implementations, that means you have to call:
@objc convenience init(swizzleDomain: String, code: Int, info: [String : Any]?) {
self.init(swizzleDomain: swizzleDomain, code: code, info: info)
Because self.init(swizzleDomain:...)
will contain the original initializer.