I am attempting to create a table which has citations built into the table. Here is a visual of what I am trying to achieve.
As far as I know you can only add footnotes in rowvars
or colvars
in kableExtra
(love that package).
# Create a dataframe called df
Component <- c('N2','P3')
Latency <- c('150 to 200ms', '625 to 800ms')
Location <- c('FCz, Fz, Cz', 'Pz, Oz')
df <- data.frame(Component, Latency, Location)
Below is my attempt after reading through kableExtra
's Git page
# Trying some code taken from the kableExtra guide
row.names(df) <- df$Component
df[1] <- NULL
dt_footnote <- df
names(dt_footnote)[1] <- paste0(names(dt_footnote)[2],
row.names(dt_footnote)[2] <- paste0(row.names(dt_footnote)[2],
kable(dt_footnote, align = "c",
# Remember this escape = F
escape = F, "latex", longtable = T, booktabs = T, caption = "My Table Name") %>%
kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
footnote(alphabet = "Jones, 2013",
symbol = "Footnote Symbol 1; ",
footnote_as_chunk = T)
But this code only works on the headers. The ultimate goal would be if I could use a BibTex reference such as @JonesFunctionalMixedEffectModels2013
such that the final part of the code would look like
footnote(alphabet = @davidsonFunctionalMixedEffectModels2009,
symbol = "Footnote Symbol 1; ", footnote_as_chunk = T)
Anyone have any ideas?
What I did at the end was to generate a temporary table with pander
, then copy the references' number manually to my kable
caption = "Temporal",
style = "simple",
justify = "left")