
Swift Catch Pattern that binds the error to a variable

Using Swift 4.2 and XCode 10

In Swift 4.2, DecodingError is an enumeration. There are (currently) four different cases. I can catch each case separately, and bind variables that I can use to log the error as in the following code ...

do {
    let model = try jsonDecoder.decode(BattleShip.self, from: jsonData!)
} catch DecodingError.dataCorrupted(let context) {
} catch DecodingError.keyNotFound(let key, let context) {
    print("\(key.stringValue) was not found, \(context.debugDescription)")
} catch DecodingError.typeMismatch(let type, let context) {
    print("\(type) was expected, \(context.debugDescription)")
} catch DecodingError.valueNotFound(let type, let context) {
    print("no value was found for \(type), \(context.debugDescription)")
} catch {
    print("I know not this error")

But this is a lot of code to put everywhere I could encounter a decoding error. And, if my do{} block has multiple calls that throw, I may need to handle the errors that those methods call differently. The pattern I am trying to implement looks like this ... where decodingError(error) has all of the messy code above

do {
    let object1 = try decoder.decode(SomeClass.self, from: someData)
    try object2.methodThatThrowsSomeOtherError()
} catch <all decoding errors> {      // this is invalid pseudocode
} catch let nonDecodingError {

I can have a catch pattern like this that seems to satisfy all of the enumeration cases (at least it compiles)

} catch is DecodingError {

but the compiler doesn't seem to autobind the 'error' variable, and I don't see any option like

} catch let decodingError is DecodingError {  // THIS IS NOT VALID

If I just catch all errors, I can easily have a switch in a central method that separates the different decoding error cases appropriately. But I want to be able to avoid sending non-decoding errors into that switch. I can also separate my do{} blocks so that I'm only performing decoding steps in it, but this also makes code messy, particularly if you are decoding multiple messages interspersed with other actions.

Suggestions? Thanks all!


  • The syntax used in a catch line is exactly the same pattern syntax used in the case of a switch. If you know how to write a case you know how to write a catch.

    So, for example, you complain:

    } catch let decodingError is DecodingError {  // THIS IS NOT VALID

    Right. But this is valid:

    } catch let decodingError as DecodingError { 

    Oh what a difference one letter makes.