I am using latest version of GreenDAO... I am missing something on using the data from the DB.
I need to prevent the creation of records that have the same PROFILE_NUMBER. Currently during testing I have inserted 1 record with the PROFILE_NUMBER of 1.
I need someone to show me an example of how to obtain the actual value of the field from the db.
I am using this
SvecPoleDao svecPoleDao = daoSession.getSvecPoleDao();
List poles = svecPoleDao.queryBuilder().where(SvecPoleDao.Properties.Profile_number.eq(1)).list();
and it obtains something... this.
Is this serialized? The actual value I am looking for here is 1.
Here is the solution.You'll need to use listlazy() instead of list().
List<SvecPole> poles = svecPoleDao.queryBuilder().where(SvecPoleDao.Properties.Profile_number.eq(1)).listLazy();