
Why won't aot compiler error on missing property?

With the following code:


<button (click)="myMethod()">myMethod()</button>
<!-- <button (click)="foo()">foo()</button> -->

<ng-container [ngSwitch]="state">
  <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="0">
    <button (click)="myMethod()">myMethod()</button>
    <button (click)="foo()">foo()</button><!-- why no error -->
  <div *ngSwitchCase="1"></div>


export class MyComponent {

  public state = 0;

  public myMethod(): void {
    // no op


ng build --aot builds, but if you uncomment the 2nd line in the template you expectedly get

Property 'foo' does not exist on type 'MyComponent'.

Why does the <button (click)="foo()">foo()</button> inside the ng-container not error?

Before you suggest:

<div *ngSwitchCase="0">
  <button (click)="myMethod()">myMethod()</button>
  <button (click)="foo()">foo()</button><!-- why no error -->

that will render as


but I need just


And there are other ways around this, but the question is for fundamental understanding before making bug or feat.


  • "Are there any other ways around this...?"

    Have you tried this: ?

    It looks like this AOT setting is (currently) inactive by default.


    Also see this section at compiler github on binding expressions:

    The validation uses the TypeScript type checker and the options supplied to the TypeScript compiler to control how detailed the type validation is

    The error 'Property X does not exist on type Y' is thrown at this phase, and the level of validation detail is adjustable via compiler parameters, such as the aforementioned parameter 'fulltemplatetypecheck'.