
How do I migrate an Assembla project (Issues and Source) to Github?

I wanna migrate a project from Assembla to Github with all its tickets and sources.


The sources are not the problem because I can push it easily to the new environment.


My problem is the linking between commits that includes an issue number (e.g. #123 Increased build number) to the related issue / ticket.

Github counts everything in its ID (tickets, pull requests, etc). That means that it seems to be highly unlikely that my Assembla ticket #123 will be my Github issue #123 and therefore the connection between he commit and the ticket will break.

I tried to export all my tickets from Assembla but label Backup successfully scheduled. stays for hours now.


Please correct me if this assumption is false. My question at all is, if someone could provide an idea how to solve the problem. It seems to be that there is no official importer to Github or exporter from Assembla.


  • You are right, official importer from assembla to github does not exists. So you need to do it manually(implement utility) consuming assembla api to pull information and upload it to github. You can try to find existing hand made tools here