I'm using Twill to retrieve pages that contain wanted .txt data on them so I can store them as an Excel file. The data is password protected so I'm logging in from the /user/login
My code runs into the problem where it tries to access the text page from the login screen and hits a brick wall of HTML rather than the .txt itself.
When I run the login:
path = "https://naturalgasintel.com/ext/resources/Data-Feed/Daily-GPI/"
end = "td.txt"
fv("2", "user[email]", user_email)
fv("2", "user[password]", user_password)
fv("2", "commit", "Login")
datafilelocation = path + year + "/" + month + "/" + date + end
When my code gets to go(datafilelocation)
I get this:
==> at https://www.naturalgasintel.com/user/login?referer=%2Fext%2Fresources%2FData-Feed%2FDaily-GPI%2F2018%2F12%2F20181221td.txt
Out[18]: u'https://www.naturalgasintel.com/user/login?referer=%2Fext%2Fresources%2FData-Feed%2FDaily-GPI%2F2018%2F12%2F20181221td.txt'
So it points to the referer
rather than the actual text when I really want to get to the page:
The reason I used fv("2", "commit", "Login")
instead of submit()
is that when I get to the page it gives me this:
Form name=quick-search (#1)
## ## __Name__________________ __Type___ __ID________ __Value__________________
1 q text q Search
Form #2
## ## __Name__________________ __Type___ __ID________ __Value__________________
1 utf8 hidden (None) ✓
2 authenticity_token hidden (None) pnFnPGhMomX2Lyh7/U8iGOZKsiQnyicj7BWT ...
3 referer hidden (None) https://www.naturalgasintel.com/ext/ ...
4 popup hidden (None) false
5 user[email] text user_email
6 user[password] password user_pas ...
7 user[remember_me] hidden (None) 0
8 user[remember_me] checkbox user_rem ... None
9 commit submit (None) Login
Then it tells me after I submit()
Note: submit is using submit button: name="commit", value="Login"
What is the best solution to solve this issue?
If you'd be fine using Mechanize instead of Twill, give the following a shot:
import mechanize
username = ""
password = ""
login_post_url = "http://www.naturalgasintel.com/user/login"
internal_url = "https://naturalgasintel.com/ext/resources/Data-Feed/Daily-GPI/2018/12/20181221td.txt"
browser = mechanize.Browser()
browser.select_form(nr = 1)
browser.form['user[email]'] = username
browser.form['user[password]'] = password
response = browser.open(internal_url)
print response.read()