
How to search & replace arbitrary literal strings in sed and awk (and perl)

Say we have some arbitrary literals in a file that we need to replace with some other literal.

Normally, we'd just reach for sed(1) or awk(1) and code something like:

sed "s/$target/$replacement/g" file.txt

But what if the $target and/or $replacement could contain characters that are sensitive to sed(1) such as regular expressions. You could escape them but suppose you don't know what they are - they are arbitrary, ok? You'd need to code up something to escape all possible sensitive characters - including the '/' separator. eg

t=$( echo "$target" | sed 's/\./\\./g; s/\*/\\*/g; s/\[/\\[/g; ...' ) # arghhh!

That's pretty awkward for such a simple problem.

perl(1) has \Q ... \E quotes but even that can't cope with the '/' separator in $target.

perl -pe "s/\Q$target\E/$replacement/g" file.txt

I just posted an answer!! So my real question is, "is there a better way to do literal replacements in sed/awk/perl?"

If not, I'll leave this here in case it comes in useful.


  • Me again!

    Here's a simpler way using xxd(1):

    t=$( echo -n "$target" | xxd -p | tr -d '\n')
    r=$( echo -n "$replacement" | xxd -p | tr -d '\n')
    xxd -p file.txt | sed "s/$t/$r/g" | xxd -p -r

    ... so we're hex-encoding the original text with xxd(1) and doing search-replacement using hex-encoded search strings. Finally we hex-decode the result.

    EDIT: I forgot to remove \n from the xxd output (| tr -d '\n') so that patterns can span the 60-column output of xxd. Of course, this relies on GNU sed's ability to operate on very long lines (limited only by memory).

    EDIT: this also works on multi-line targets eg

    target=$'foo\nbar' replacement=$'bar\nfoo'