I'm trying to modify the deluge
file with jq
and I'm having some issues. The deluge web config seems to be invalid json
"file": 1,
"format": 1
"sidebar_show_zero": false,
"show_session_speed": false,
"pwd_sha1": "CHANGEME",
"show_sidebar": true,
"sessions": {},
"enabled_plugins": [],
"base": "/",
"first_login": true,
"theme": "gray",
"pkey": "ssl/daemon.pkey",
"default_daemon": "",
"cert": "test",
"session_timeout": 3600,
"https": false,
"interface": "",
"sidebar_multiple_filters": true,
"pwd_salt": "salt",
"port": 8112
It has multiple top level elements which aren't separated by a comma so if I try to edit the file with jq
using something like this jq '.pwd_sha1 = "NEW HASH"' web.conf
I get the following
"file": 1,
"format": 1,
"pwd_sha1": "NEW HASH"
"sidebar_show_zero": false,
"show_session_speed": false,
"pwd_sha1": "NEW HASH",
"show_sidebar": true,
"sessions": {},
"enabled_plugins": [],
"base": "/",
"first_login": true,
"theme": "gray",
"pkey": "ssl/daemon.pkey",
"default_daemon": "",
"cert": "test",
"session_timeout": 3600,
"https": false,
"interface": "",
"sidebar_multiple_filters": true,
"pwd_salt": "salt",
"port": 8112
is adding a new element to the first top level object and changing the second top level element's value. How can I get this to only change the existing item in the second top level element?
The web.conf you show is a stream of JSON entities. Fortunately for you, jq is stream-oriented, and it appears from your example that you could simply write:
jq 'if .pwd_sha1 then .pwd_sha1 = "NEW HASH" else . end' web.conf
In general, though, it might be more appropriate to write something with a more stringent test, e.g.
jq 'if type == "object" and has("pwd_sha1")
then .pwd_sha1 = "NEW HASH" else . end' web.conf
To edit the second top-level item only, you could use foreach inputs
with the -n command-line option:
foreach inputs as $in (0; .+1;
if . == 2 then $in | .pwd_sha1 = "NEW_HASH"
else $in end)