AppOpsManager#checkOp(AppOpsManager.OPSTR_CAMERA, Process.myUid(), getPackageName())
returns AppOpsManager#MODE_ALLOWED
Yet when trying for checking camera properties I get
I/CameraService: Camera 0: Access for "package" has been restricted
Apparently this could only happen [1] if application's package or uId has been explicitly restricted from starting AppOpsManager#OP_CAMERA.
But why would this happen? After AppOpsManager#checkOp
says AppOpsManager#MODE_ALLOWED
Sample code
for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; ++i) {
List<Size> supportedSizes = null;
List<int[]> supportedFpsRanges = null;
Camera camera = null;
try {
camera =;
Parameters parameters = camera.getParameters();
supportedSizes = parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes();
supportedFpsRanges = getFpsRangesRobust(parameters);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (camera != null) {
Aparently it's a device issue. Nokia 6 / TA-1000, Android 7.1.1
The scenario
Is reproducible with any other application, including the default camera app.