
How to lock/readonly bootstrap-tagsinput field when page loads?

I am using bootstrap-tagsinput. This is working as it should.

However, when the page loads, I want the bootstrap-tagsinput field to be readonly (that is locked and not able to enter text).

I have written some code that will allow the bootstrap-tagsinput field to be locked/unlocked when a boolean check box is checked/unchecked.

This code is working. Here it is:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        // lock the tags input field.
        $("#id_bootstrap_tagsinput_tag_input").attr('readonly', true);
        // when the user changes the search engine ressults option, lock / unlock the tags input..
        $('#id_resume_published_details_search_engine_results').change(function() {
            if($(this).is(":checked")) {
                // unlock the tags input field.
                $("#id_bootstrap_tagsinput_tag_input").attr('readonly', false);
            } else {
                // remove all tags before locking the input field.
                // lock the tags input field.
                $("#id_bootstrap_tagsinput_tag_input").attr('readonly', true);

However, when the page initially loads, the bootstrap-tagsinput field is not locked/readonly.

Can anyone suggest why the bootstrap-tagsinput field is not readonly/locked when the page loads?



I have tried using $("#id_bootstrap_tagsinput_tag_input").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); but this has no effect.


  • It appears the that bootstrap-tagsinput field loads after the page load is completed.

    So I placed a delay on applying the readonly to the bootstrap-tagsinput field.

    My code is below.

    I hope this answer helps someone.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        // lock the tags input field.
        // run this function from the setTimeout function below with a delay of 1 second.
        // the bootstrap input tag field loads after the page has loaded
        function delayInputDisable() {
          $("#id_bootstrap_tagsinput_tag_input").attr('readonly', true);
        setTimeout(delayInputDisable, 1000);  // use setTimeout() to execute.
        // when the user changes the search engine ressults option, lock / unlock the tags input..
        $('#id_resume_published_details_search_engine_results').change(function() {
            if($(this).is(":checked")) {
                // unlock the tags input field.
                $("#id_bootstrap_tagsinput_tag_input").attr('readonly', false);
            } else {
                // remove all tags before locking the input field.
                // lock the tags input field.
                $("#id_bootstrap_tagsinput_tag_input").attr('readonly', true);