
How to validate email by whitelist domain regex

I want to validate domain by whitelist such as : .com ,, .org,

here i have a regex pattern :


so if the user input :

anyone can help me out ? Thank you


  • You can proceed in two steps:

    function validateEmail(email) {
        //check that the input string is an well formed email 
        var emailFilter = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.-])+@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;
        if (!emailFilter.test(email)) {
            return false;
        //check that the input email is in the whitelist
        var s, domainWhitelist = [".com", "", ".org"];
        for (s of domainWhitelist)
            return true;
        //if we reach this point it means that the email is well formed but not in the whitelist
        return false;
    console.log("validate ->" + validateEmail(""));
    console.log("validate abc ->" + validateEmail("abc"));
    console.log("validate ->" + validateEmail(""));
    console.log("validate ->" + validateEmail(""));