
Same slot content for multiple template slots

In vuejs, is there a way to set the same content for multiple slots without copy pasting?

So this:

  <template slot="option">
    <span :class="'flag-icon-'   props.option.toLowerCase()" />{{ countriesByCode[props.option] }}

  <template slot="singleLabel">
    <span :class="'flag-icon-'   props.option.toLowerCase()" />{{ countriesByCode[props.option] }}

Could be written that way:

  <template slot="['option', 'singleLabel']">
    <span :class="'flag-icon-'   props.option.toLowerCase()" />{{ countriesByCode[props.option] }}

Thanks a lot.


  • You could try using v-for for that.

      <template :slot="slotName" v-for="slotName in ['option', 'singleLabel']">
        <span :class="'flag-icon-'   props.option.toLowerCase()" />{{ countriesByCode[props.option] }}

    See working example.