I have identified a truth table such as the one below
prev_state| input1 | input2 |next_state| Action
(def/new) |(Disable/Enable)|(Off/On)| |
def | D | Off | def | Nothing
def | D | On | def | Nothing
def | E | Off | def | Nothing
def | E | On | new | call function1
new | D | Off | def | call function2
new | D | On | def | call function2
new | E | Off | def | call function2
new | E | On | new | Nothing
I was wondering what is the minimum number of checks that you need to achieve this.
Is my thought to use a Karnaugh map such as the following one:
00| 01| 11| 10
0 | A | A | B | A |
1 | C | C | A | C |
Where A corresponds to nothing, B to call function1 and C to call function2
According to what I see you have 2 combinations of 2 A's and a single A total of 3 for A 1 for B and 2 combinations of 2 C's
Does that mean that the minimum number of compares is 3+1+2=6? But because A's do nothing the minimum implementation would require only the 3 combinations for B and C?
Test implementation
if (prev_state == new && input1 == disable) {
else if (prev_state == new && input2 == Off) {
else if (input1 == enable && input2 == On) {
Also now that I see it which is better the above or this one:
if ((prev_state == new && input1 == disable) || (prev_state == new && input2 == Off)) {
else if (input1 == enable && input2 == On) {
Thank you for those who proposed a look up table which is O(1) but takes up space in memory. I now realize that I would prefer to have a solution that doesn't use extra memory. Do you agree that using Karnaugh maps is a valid method to derive minimum amount of comparisons?
I was wondering what is the minimum number of checks that you need to achieve ...
Zero. Use a look-up table
void f_Nothing(void) {
; // do nothing
void f_function1(void) {
; // something interesting
void f_function2(void) {
; // something interesting
int main(void) {
typedef void (*fun_type)(void);
fun_type f[2][2][2] = { //
{{f_Nothing, f_Nothing}, {f_Nothing, f_function1}},
{{f_function2, f_function2}, {f_function2, f_Nothing}}};
bool prev_state, input1, input2;
OP later commented looking for a solution that ... doesn't use further extra memory.
if ( (input1 == E && input2 == ON) && (prev_state == def)) function1();
if (!(input1 == E && input2 == ON) && (prev_state == new)) function2();
// or
if (input1 == E && input2 == ON) {
if (prev_state == def) function1();
} else {
if (prev_state == new) function2();