I have a defaultdict(list) object that is of this structure:
{id: [list[list]]}
for example,
'a1': [[0.01, 'cat']],
'a2': [[0.09, 'cat']],
'a3': [[0.5, 'dog']],
I'd like to conver this defaultdict(list)
into a Pandas DataFrame
I tried with the following:
df = pd.DataFrame(list(my_dict.items()), columns=['id', 'category'])
However, I faced a problem with my 'category' column. This is a column of list of list. I'm trying to split out the 2 values in the 'category' into 2 separate columns. So my final DataFrame columns would be ['id', 'score', 'category'].
When I tried with below Apply function:
db['category'].apply(lambda x: x[0][0])
I got an error for 'list index out of range'.
What could be wrong with my code? How shall I create the 2 new columns from a list of lists?
Thank you.
I believe you need:
df = pd.DataFrame([[k] + v[0] for k, v in my_dict.items()],
columns=['id', 'score', 'category'])
df = pd.DataFrame([(k, v[0][0], v[0][1]) for k, v in my_dict.items()],
columns=['id', 'score', 'category'])