
Pass Uint8List from dart to java over a TCPSocket

I need to pass an Uint8List to a byte[] array in java over a TCPSocket. There is size mismatch at both ends. PS: I am a beginner in dart.

I have tried socket.add(buf), socket.write(buf), socket.writeAll(buf) but none of them worked

Code in Flutter side (TCP client)

 void readVoiceData(Uint8List buf) {    
     print("Send data size:"+buf.lengthInBytes.toString());    

OUTPUT: Send data size: 1280

Code Snippet on java side (TCP server)

in = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());  
    Log.d(TAG, "****Opened InputStream*******");
     while (!isInterrupted()) {                   
     if (mTrack != null) {
     try {;        
     Log.d(TAG, "Received data size"+bytes.length);                                    

OUTPUT: Received data size: 1

I am sure the socket connection has been established correctly as I am able to send Strings and Integers flawlessly over them.


  • This happens because the read() method of the FilterInputStream (DataInput is his son) reads just the next available byte. Thou, if you want to get the total size of the InputStream, do something like:

      size = in.available(); //returns an estimate of the number of bytes available on the stream
      buf = new byte[size]; 
      realLength=, 0, size);

    This code snippet is taken from here.