I have a loop controller in thread groups to read one csv file and i want to read all line in this csv file. I config my thread group as below:
I run this scenario with a number of threads: 2
With first thread, read the first line of CSV file
With second thread, read the second line of CSV file
After each loop, i got data from CSV file is not changed, so how can i read each line of csv (from 3rd line,...) after the loop?
You have to put CSV Data Set Config as a child of Loop Controller.
It should work for you with CSV Data Set Config settings you specified.
I create Test Plan:
Thread Group Number of Threads = 2 Loop Controller Loop Count = 4 CSV Data Set Config Filename: ... (your csv-file here) Variable Names: number Delimiter: , Recycle on EOF = False Stop Thread on EOF = True Sharing Mode = All threads JSR223 Sampler log.info(vars.get("number")); // output ${number} variable values
Each Loop my "CSV Data Set Config" reads line into a "number" variable.
JSR223 Sampler print it's value to Log Viewer.
My CSV file looks like
So, because of Recycle on EOF is FALSE, Stop thread on EOF is TRUE the first Thread read 4 lines in the loop and the second Thread read just one the 5th line and then stop.