I have the 2 StructuredNodes User
and Token
as a one to one relationship.
Coming from using Django for relational databases, if I want to get the User given a token, I'd simply do User.objects.get(token__key=token)
But using Neo4j with NeoModel, I'm struggling to find a way to do this simple query. Do I have to use cypher for this? if so how?
Also, when I have the User
instance, I can do user.token.single()
to get the Token
instance, but the same doesn't work the other way around. token.user.single()
returns CardinalityViolation: Expected: one relationship in a outgoing direction of type FOR_USER on node (49) of class 'Token', got: none.
and token.user returns a neomodel.cardinality.One
class User(DjangoNode):
uid = UniqueIdProperty()
firstname = StringProperty(index=True, required=True)
lastname = StringProperty(index=True, required=True)
email = EmailProperty(unique_index=True, required=True)
password = StringProperty(requried=True)
token = RelationshipFrom('Token', 'OWNS_TOKEN', cardinality=One)
def post_create(self):
token = Token().save()
class Token(DjangoNode):
user = RelationshipTo('Token', 'FOR_USER', cardinality=One)
key = StringProperty(unique_index=True, default=generate_key)
created = DateTimeProperty(default_now=True)
Might be a bit late for the answer but,
Shot in the dark here, but your RelationshipTo in your Token class is directed towards another Token, and not towards a specific user.