
How to convert between lux and exposure value?

How to convert from an exposure value to lux? Thanks!

i.e. what's the formula behind this chart?


  • Forget the math on Wikipedia. By inspecting the table to which you linked, it's possible to see a pattern:

    EV      Lux
    -1      1.25
    -0.5    1.75
    0       2.50
    0.5     3.50
    1       5.00
    1.5     7.00
    2       10.00
    2.5     14.00
    3       20.00
    3.5     28.00
    4       40.00

    1 EV is 5 Lux. 2 EV is 10 Lux. 3 EV is 20 Lux. So, it looks logarithmic:

    lux = (2 ^ ev) * 2.5;

    (2 to the power of EV, times 2.5)


    #include <math.h>
    double evToLux(double ev) {
        return pow(2, ev) * 2.5;


    Wikipedia has this formula: enter image description here

    Update 2

    It is important to point out that EV is dependent on the film speed (ISO). All above is true only for ISO 100. It is easy to convert to other speeds, though: EV(at ISO 100) == EV(at ISO 200) - 1

    (H/T Nikolai Ruhe)