
How update/remove conda-forge channel from Anaconda?

I want to install Orange3 through conda. So I type in Anaconda Prompt

conda config --add channels confa-forge

After that I try to install Orange3

conda install orange3

But the Anaconda prompt show this error message

CondaHTTPEErroR: HTTP 404 NOT FOUND for url <>

So I realize that I write confa-forge instead conda-forge.

How can I delete the channel confa-forge? Or Can I update the channel to conda-forge?


  • You can use:

    conda config --show channels

    This will list your channels

    conda config --remove channels NOT_WANTED

    This will remove the channel called NOT_WANTED(Assuming that it is part of your list e.g. your confa-forge)

    BTW, I will recommend --append channel insteading of --add adding them

    conda config --append channels CHANNEL_NAME

    Why: If you do:

    conda config --add channels conda-forge 

    This will make conda-forge first hit channel. Your anaconda's default channel will get lower priority. Some of your packages will start updating to conda-forge.

    Instead, do this:

    conda config --append channels conda-forge

    This keeps your default channel high in priority. Packages will be searched on your default before going to conda-forge :)