I'm trying to change [http] protocol's bind address,using which im able to send out the results but im not able to access iflux CLI.
I tried to change the bind address of [http] from 8086 to other numbers.But i'm not able to access influx CLI .However when i have bind address of 8086, i can access influx CLI.
I may have to change the bind address from 8086 to any other ,as this port has been already under use by other service .
Please can anyone help me on how can i change the [http] bind address on which i can use influx CLI.
First select a free port by running:
netstat -an | grep NEW_PORT_NUMBER
If nothing is output, it's free.
Then open /usr/local/etc/influxdb.conf, search for [http] and modify:
# bind-address = ":8086"
bind-address = ":NEW_PORT_NUMBER"
Restart JMeter
If you're accessing it from another machine, check firewall is open for this NEW_PORT_NUMBER.
To access it :
influx -port NEW_PORT_NUMBER -host hostname