
How to render VueJS templates dynamically inside custom element

I'm using Vue to build an app with Esri's Mapping API.

Via the Esri API, I'm able to set a popup template content using an object:

const popupWindowTemplate = {
    title: "{mag} magnitude near {place}",
    content: getContent

and a function

getContent: function(){
      let node = document.createElement('div');
      node.innerHTML = "<button type='button'>Do my thing!</button>"
      return node;

However, I would like the getTemplate function to return a Vue component rendered in the innerHTML instead of hard coded html.

I have a component:

 const buffer = Vue.component('do-mything', {
  template: '<div><button type="button" @click="domything">Do my thing!</button></div>',
  data() {
    return {
          somevalue: ''

and suspect it has something to do with components render functions, but have been having trouble figuring out how to insert the component in the getContent function.


  • Assuming the that API, you integrate with, expects getContent method to return a DOM element, you can try to:

    To implement the above getContent method may look like as follows:

    getContent: function(){
      const vueComponent = new Vue({
        template: '<div><button type="button" @click="domything">Do my thing!</button></div>',
        methods: {
          domything() {
            console.log('Method was called')
      return vueComponent.$mount().$el;