
How to use Spring 5.0 in NetBeans 8.2?

When I create a Java Web project in NetBeans and select a Framework, in this case Spring Web MVC, only two options appear:

enter image description here


  • You can do this in Netbeans:

    1. Download the Spring Framework you need from here

    2. Extract the contents of the archive and copy the contents of the lib directory to your netbeans location e.g /home/stanley/netbeans-8.2/java/modules/ext/spring-(version) e.g 5.1.4

    3. On your netbeans go to Tools > Libraries > New Library

    4. Name your Library as Spring Framework (version) e.g 5.1.4 and add all the jars from the location in 2 above. enter image description here

    5. Restart your netbeans application.

    You should have the new Framework as shown in the diagram below: enter image description here