
helm install in kuberneres - Error: This command needs 2 arguments: release name, chart path

Trying to install Che in Kubernertes:

from: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/che-6/kubernetes-single-user.html

Deploying Che:

helm upgrade --install my-che-installation --namespace my-che-namespace -f ./ 

Error: Error: This command needs 2 arguments: release name, chart path


  • I think the problem is the -f - that is normally used for a values file but it is pointing to a whole dir and not a values file. If you take that out and run helm upgrade --install my-che-installation --namespace my-che-namespace ./ from the suggested path then you get a different error because the dependencies are not built. If you then run helm dep build . and try again then it works.