I have problem with layout of my app for below phones . in first one layout looking good but in the second phone the layout not exactly like first one . though i put the xml files in (Layout-w480dp) folder and i do not use constraint layout
huawei G8 : Photo Resolution : 1920 x 1080 px Screen Density : 403 ppi Screen Density (DPI) : 480 ppi (xxhdpi) (640dp) x (360dp)
huawei Y9 : Photo Resolution : 2160 x 1080 px Screen Density : 407 ppi Screen Density (DPI) : 480 ppi (xxhdpi) (720dp) x (360dp)
add this attribute to your textView
in xml app:autoSizeTextType="uniform"
this will resize the text size to fit the textview area
android:text="Hello World!"
tools:ignore="MissingPrefix" />
for further customizing you can set
where autosize_text_sizes
is an array in arrays.xml values res file
create it by right click on values -> new -> values resource file -> name it arrays.xml, which choose dynamically the text size based on text area availability
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<array name="autosize_text_sizes">