
Cannot run Cloudfoundry Task - Unexpected Response 404

After my app is successfully pushed via cf I usually need do manually ssh-log into the container and execute a couple of PHP scripts to clear and warmup my cache, potentially execute some DB schema updates etc.

Today I found out about Cloudfoundry Tasks which seems to offer a pretty way to do exactly this kind of things and I wanted to test it whether I can integrate it into my build&deploy script.

So used cf login, got successfully connected to the right org and space, app has been pushed and is running and I tried this command:

cf run-task MYAPP "bin/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql --env=prod" --name dumpsql

(tried it with a couple of folder changes like app/bin/console etc.)

and this was the output:

Creating task for app MYAPP in org MYORG / space MYSPACE as me@myemail...
Unexpected Response
Response Code: 404 FAILED

Uses CF CLI: 6.32.0

cf logs ArcticTenTestBackend --recent does not output anything (this might be the case because I have enabled an ELK instance for logging - as I wanted to service-connect to ELK to look up the logs I found out that the service-connector cf plugin is gone for which I will open a new ticket).

Created new Issue for that:


  • As mentioned by @Mathis Kretz Swisscom has gotten around to enable cf run-task since this question was posted. They send out e-mails on 22. November 2018 to announce the feature.

    As discussed on your linked documentation you use the following commands to manage tasks:

    cf tasks [APP_NAME]
    cf run-task [APP_NAME] [COMMAND]
    cf terminate-task [APP_NAME] [TASK_ID]