
Is <liferay-ui:custom-attribute/> still recognized in Liferay portal 7.1.0 ga2?

Trying to display the below custom field on create_account.jsp in Liferay Portal 7.1.0 GA2. The permission for a guest user to view and update is already set to the custom field but it is not displaying.

className="<%= User.class.getName() %>"
classPK="<%= 0 %>"
    editable="<%= true %>"
    label="<%= false %>"



  • Edit:

    The Breaking Changes for Liferay 7.0 document that the tag has moved to the liferay-expando taglib. Just follow that breaking change and use the new taglib instead of the old.

    Longer, prior answer hinting at the above:

    If the tag is still in there, it should. However, granting guest users the permission to update users is a great way to create a loophole and a security issue.

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