
Expression of type B => List[B] doesn’t conform to expected type List[Int] when reverse a list in Scala

Working on a function to reverse a list in Scala using the foldLeft function:

def reverseWithFold(ls: List[Int]): List[Int] =
        ls.foldLeft(List[Int]())((c, _) => _:::c)

it got compiling errors: Expression of type List[B_] => List[Int] doesn’t comforrm to expected type List[Int] (PS: I know my solution is not correct)

Can I know what does it mean? In _:::c here, the _ represents the c in (c, _), and c is a List[Int] type, so in my opinion, _:::c should be the concatenation of two List[Int]. It should conform with the expected type, right?


  • Underscores are not valid variable names, they are used to ignore variables. The two underscores in (c, _) and _ ::: c are unrelated.

    If you wanted to prepend the second argument to the first, you would have to write something like

    ls.foldLeft(List.empty[Int])((c, x) => x :: c)

    or even
