Trying to launch upsource on docker container via instructions on
docker run -it --name upsource -v /Users/rudskoy/desktop/upsource/data/:/opt/upsource/data -v /Users/rudskoy/desktop/upsource/config/:/opt/upsource/conf -v /Users/rudskoy/desktop/upsource/logs/:/opt/upsource/logs -v /Users/rudskoy/desktop/upsource/backups/:/opt/upsource/backups -p 8080:8080 jetbrains/upsource:2017.3.2888
But my attempts are failed with: Config directory is not writable: /opt/upsource/conf
Ownership in upsource/
drwxr-x--- 2 13001 13001 68 4 march 14:30 backups
drwxr-x--- 2 13001 13001 68 4 march 14:30 config
drwxr-x--- 2 13001 13001 68 4 march 14:30 data
drwxr-x--- 2 13001 13001 68 4 march 14:30 logs
ps: macOS (High Sierra)
If the service is not open to the web but you are using it locally you can set 777 privileges on those directories. That solved the problem in my case.
(sudo) chmod -R 777 /Users/rudskoy/desktop/upsource/[data|conf|logs|backups]
I have macOS High Sierra as well. It looks like if the user and the group the container uses is not 13001:13001 but something else. Maybe the docker's user... That one I've not tested.