
.NET always installed and enabled on Windows 10?

So far, our windows application based on MFC does not have any framework requirements. It runs as portable app on hundreds of Windows PCs. Our customers love it!

We'd wish to use C# .NET in our future version where we drop Windows 7 support.

So, can we run our application on any Windows 8+ system? (majority will be Windows 10)

I am aware of https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies, but can the administrator still uninstall or initially not install .NET?

Our customers operate large quantities of Windows PCs and run the bare windows system on them that came with the computer. It was always impossible to use .NET under Windows 7 and below, because on some computers .NET wasn't installed or disabled and our customers were not happy to change that.


  • Based on microsoft technet .NET 4.x can't neither be uninstalled nor disabled on Windows 10.

    More quotes:

    "Windows 10 systems, however, with current updates from Microsoft, will not have any option to uninstall .NET. However, if your overall Windows Updates are not current, it may be possible to install the latest .NET version."

    Source: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/learn-explore/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/How-to-remove-and-reinstall-the-Microsoft-NET-Framework.html

    The .NET Framework 3.5 is an optional component that can be disabled via the Windows Features control panel. The .NET Framework 4.x is not optional though, and it cannot be disabled when it is installed as a part of Windows.

    Source: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/astebner/2007/03/14/mailbag-what-version-of-the-net-framework-is-included-in-what-version-of-the-os/#comment-234605