I'm using Lua 5.1 with IUP 3.5, and trying to use a list callback to populate an Address list depending on the Place selected. (The list is an editbox, so I will need to handle that in due course, but let us deal with the basics first). I've clearly got a fundamental misunderstanding of how to do this.
The code:
function MakeAnIupBox
--make some more elements here
listPlace = iup.list{}
listPlace.sort = "YES"
listPlace.dropdown = "YES"
--populate the list here
--now handle callbacks
listPlace.action = function(self) PlaceAction(text, item, state) end
function PlaceAction(text, item, state)
listAddress.REMOVEITEM = "ALL"
if state == 1 then -- a place has been selected
--code here to populate the Addresses list
The iup documentation describes the action callback for a list as
ih:action(text: string, item, state: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]
However, when I run this code I get:
I've also tried coding the callback as
function MakeAnIupBox
--make some more elements here
listPlace = iup.list{}
listPlace.sort = "YES"
listPlace.dropdown = "YES"
--populate the list here
function listPlace:action (text, item, state)
listAddress.REMOVEITEM = "ALL"
if state == 1 then -- a place has been selected
--code here to populate the Addresses list
but that fails to run: the error is attempt to index global 'listPlace' (a nil value)
I'd prefer not to embed the callback in "MakeAnIupBox" because I'm hoping to make it (and the other associated callbacks) a resuable component in several Lua programmes that all process similar datasets but from different UIs.
Building on the suggestion of Antonio Scuri which was not totally explicit, I have worked out that the code needs to read:
function MakeAnIupBox
--make some more elements here
listPlace = iup.list{}
listPlace.sort = "YES"
listPlace.dropdown = "YES"
--populate the list here
--now handle callbacks
listPlace.action = function(self, text, item, state) PlaceAction(listPlace, text, item, state) end
function PlaceAction(ih, text, item, state)
listAddress.REMOVEITEM = "ALL"
if state == 1 then -- a place has been selected
--code here to populate the Addresses list