
Python Hough Lines implementation, making it time efficient

So I'm trying to implement the hough transform lines algorithm in python, and I'm finding it hard to make it time efficient.

This is my implementation:

import numpy as np
def houghLines(edges, dTheta, threshold):
    imageShape = edges.shape
    imageDiameter = (imageShape[0]**2 + imageShape[1]**2)**0.5
    rhoRange = [i for i in range(int(imageDiameter)+1)]
    thetaRange = [dTheta*i for i in range(int(-np.pi/(2*dTheta)), int(np.pi/dTheta))]
    cosTheta = [np.cos(theta) for theta in thetaRange]
    sinTheta = [np.sin(theta) for theta in thetaRange]
    countMatrix = np.zeros([len(rhoRange), len(thetaRange)])
    eds = [(x,y) for (x,y), value in np.ndenumerate(edges) if value > 0]
    for thetaIndex in range(len(thetaRange)):
        theta = thetaRange[thetaIndex]
        cos = cosTheta[thetaIndex]
        sin = sinTheta[thetaIndex]
        for x, y in eds:
            targetRho = x*cos + y*sin
            closestRhoIndex = int(round(targetRho))
            countMatrix[closestRhoIndex, thetaIndex] += 1
    lines = [(p,thetaRange[t]) for (p,t), value in np.ndenumerate(countMatrix) if value > threshold]
    return lines

It works but it is very slow, 100 times slower than the opencv implementation.

How can I improve it?


  • The answer was to use numba. This is what the code looks like now:

    import numpy as np
    from numba import jit
    def houghLines(edges, dTheta, threshold):
        imageShape = edges.shape
        imageDiameter = (imageShape[0]**2 + imageShape[1]**2)**0.5
        rhoRange = [i for i in range(int(imageDiameter)+1)]
        thetaRange = [dTheta*i for i in range(int(-np.pi/(2*dTheta)), int(np.pi/dTheta))]
        cosTheta = []
        sinTheta = []
        for theta in thetaRange:
        countMatrixSize = (len(rhoRange), len(thetaRange))
        countMatrix = np.zeros(countMatrixSize)
        eds = []
        for (x,y), value in np.ndenumerate(edges):
            if value > 0:
        for thetaIndex in range(len(thetaRange)):
            theta = thetaRange[thetaIndex]
            cos = cosTheta[thetaIndex]
            sin = sinTheta[thetaIndex]
            for x, y in eds:
                targetRho = x*cos + y*sin
                closestRhoIndex = int(round(targetRho))
                countMatrix[closestRhoIndex, thetaIndex] += 1
        lines = []
        for (p,t), value in np.ndenumerate(countMatrix):
            if value > threshold:
        return lines

    This made it at least 50 times faster.