
How to convert hexadecimal data (stored in a string variable) to an integer value

Edit (abstract)

I tried to interpret Char/String data as Byte, 4 bytes at a time. This was because I could only get TComport/TDatapacket to interpret streamed data as String, not as any other data type. I still don't know how to get the Read method and OnRxBuf event handler to work with TComport.

Problem Summary

I'm trying to get data from a mass spectrometer (MS) using some Delphi code. The instrument is connected with a serial cable and follows the RS232 protocol. I am able to send commands and process the text-based outputs from the MS without problems, but I am having trouble with interpreting the data buffer.


From the user manual of this instrument:

"With the exception of the ion current values, the output of the RGA are ASCII character strings terminated by a linefeed + carriage return terminator. Ion signals are represented as integers in units of 10^-16 Amps, and transmitted directly in hex format (four byte integers, 2's complement format, Least Significant Byte first) for maximum data throughput."

I'm not sure whether (1) hex data can be stored properly in a string variable. I'm also not sure how to (2) implement 2's complement in Delphi and (3) the Least Significant Byte first.


  • Following @David Heffernan 's advice, I went and revised my data types. Attempting to harvest binary data from characters doesn't work, because not all values from 0-255 can be properly represented. You lose data along the way, basically. Especially it your data is represented 4 bytes at a time.

    The solution for me was to use the Async Professional component instead of Denjan's Comport lib. It handles datastreams better and has a built-in log that I could use to figure out how to interpret streamed resposes from the instrument. It's also better documented. So, if you're new to serial communications (like I am), rather give that a go.