
WSO2 Stream Processor metrics

What are the JMX metrics exposed by WSO2 Stream Processor? I'm particularly interested in number of events processed successfully, failed events, latency for event processing, etc.


  • WSO2 SP exposes the following metrics.

    Overall node metrics

    1. CPU usage
    2. Metrics usage
    3. Overall throughout of events
    4. System load average Upcoming in future release
    5. Event syncing throughputs in HA environment

    Siddhi App metrics

    1. RDBMS table insert, update, etc throughputs
    2. Siddhi query throughout
    3. Memory usage for siddhi queries
    4. Source and Sink's throughput and latencies
    5. Buffered events in Siddhi Windows
    6. Throughput in Siddhi streams Upcoming in future release
    7. Aggregation related metrics

    What do you mean by "failed events" ?